Friday, June 3, 2011


  Learning to hold on and learning to let go. Both actions come with responsibility. i don't have the strongest emotion today that can best describe this art. all i know is that i have been into considering both and experience the outcome and  it is not easy enough, we need people behind us to help us go through and will still be there after all.
     When i was a kid , holding on that can sometime lead to fighting is always an option. Fighting to get something and letting go never makes sense. well, for instance , i remember when i was playing this rubber band madness with my sister and neighbor friends, i am so eager getting all the rubber band displaying in their wrist not minding the game but just thinking of having them all. i just realize that i am on my last set since i got 3 pieces left, so last game for me. So irritated, so frustrated, i haven't even accepted the offer to loan some and play again, eventually, i lost. But the feeling overwhelmed me, i hear them laughing and i thought it is me they're mocking at, so what i did, i took a handful of sand with little pebbles and throw it to them, i  felt such a loser after doing so.
   At some point  in life, we let our feelings rule and stick to it (since tis so sweet), instead of  weighing things first. Human as we are, you may say,... okay humanly speaking, we all have weaknesses and that can push us into doing something that we can never imagine unknowingly were hooked, become our lifestyle and after realizing its not right, finding a way out seems like a dead-end. We also have strengths and that is a great inspiration that can help us hold on and work in a fruitful way. But how can we really work on this? LOL.. i don't know ..enough knowing that i am not sinning. well i'm still on the process of knowing either. im not an expert,  Aren't we all?